Thursday, February 22, 2007

Simone Lee, art student at Jinan University

My themes of my paintings and sculpture are about
1.sexuality because it is the most natural thing that I think which comes after birth.
2. My culture which is coming from Miami Florida with a huge Chinese Jamaican family 50 or more cousins and 25 or so Uncles and Aunts. Many of which are close loves in my heart.
3. Also experimenting with different kinds of material that expresses 1 and 2.

I would definitely describe my work as contemporary.
Colonization has always been part of our history and art history.
I feel as though my work is part of this time of colonization in culture and places are completely different from when they where.
I believe this is a moment in history that is very distinct in mixing.

The older Chinese Artist makes their work about the changing of China. SO i would say that my work is the same in that aspect. But they see things coming from a different view.
They see new and old in China in things and culture.
A constant change of their traditional ways.

Seeing as I was not brought up in China my views come from the USA as what they call an ABC, American Born Chinese.
I’m an outsider where ever I go, but I’m also an Insider as well.
So my paintings are about that awkwardness and celebration of it as well.
Everyone having a place.
A mutant more like! So that being part of me changes my prospective on History.
For me is comparing two places or two cultures at once that I feel at the same time very connected too, part of, and proud.
Yes I put on music depending on what I feel for. But I usually like to listen to Bob Marley he keeps me calm but sometimes the music makes me too playful.
I prefer to paint at night... I’ve always been a night owl I could stay up the latest and always woke up the latest with sleepovers with my cousins.
I don’t paint only I make sculptures or performances.
Like to take pictures and images and then I put them together I ask myself what that means to me and what it means to society.

I like Oil paint because it’s great to push around.
I’ve been playing around with water color because the Chinese use it and I feel connected to the Zen quality of the water color.
But still prefer oil.
For my sculpture or performances I always end up using Fabrics. And costumes seem to interest me immensely.

Contemporary art in China is booming but many people from the rest of around the world believe that the work is still to traditional.
As China is rapidly growing into a more developed country and a love for art and culture.
I have no question in my mind that the Chinese
Contemporary art scene will get better and better.
Where there is money
there is art.
I don’t know if I quoted anything because I swear that stuff sounds similar so don’t quote me on those things. lol
Probably stuff from Andy Warhol.
And sorry about the lack of articulation.
It’s free formed and I’m sure I misspelled stuff.
A little embarrassing, but not enough to edit it.
I will send you some pictures of my work.


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