Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Problems & Challenges

I'm having a hard time getting responses from professional, Chinese contemporary artists. None of them have responded to my e-mails. I've been able to contact three art students at Jinan University, however it has taken awhile for two of them to get back to me. The other student responded to my questions and was able to send me one photo. So far, I only have Simone and tons of background information for my story. I've only been able to speak to her through myspace, because we both have conflicting schedules.

I also had a hard time clearing art work by Chinese artists. Most of the great contemporary art that I've found is on artscenechina.com. In order to reproduce them you have to get permission from the art gallery or the artist, and I managed to do so. Simone informed me to check out Song Zhuang artist village in Beijing. I found an article about the village and contacted the author, however I haven't been able to find anyone who lives there.

Currently I'm working on Simone Lee's story as an American born Chinese, aspiring contemporary artist and the challenges she's facing.

1 comment:

Gisa said...

Hello Aja,

I love all the images that you have on the blog. The images alone can tell so much about the Chinese artists that they are inviting readers to know what more you have to say about the people who created the art pieces.

It was a good idea to not be stuck in the challenges presented by Chinese galleries and your point-of-view of Simone can be very interesting to audiences either in China or in the United States.

Keep up the good work,

Gisele :*)